
Missing Person - Episode #5 No Police!


The number of words :482

Context:Tomorrow. He said he would call me this afternoon and tell me where to make the drop

Definition:a place where something ,for example a letter or a message ,can be left
A mail drop.

Crystal clear
Context:“He also made it crystal clear that we were not to call the police

Definition:very easy to understand
He challenged every point which he did not find crystal clear .

Context:They got the list down to two prime suspects, both of whom used to work for the Pardo computer business before they were fired.

Definition:something that is most important or fundamental to a particular situation.
What was said was of prime .

This chapter is about the detail of the kidnap.They can't call the police ,and Dr veeves seems have found something ,and is going to look into that .
Like Dr veeves said ,it's going to be more and more funny.


Missing Person - Episode #4  Meeting at the Cafe


The number of words:559



Context:Sarah’s been kidnapped

Definition:take another person by force ,usually in order to demand money from their family ,employers ,goverment ,etc.

His plan is to kidnap the President of the United States .


Context:and he will kill her if we don’t give him the ransom he’s demanding.”

Definition:an amount of money that has to be paid in order to set free someone who has been kidnapped .

The family paid a ransom of 50000 for the child's release.


Context:She was justifiably nervous.

Definiiton:A statement ,opinion ,or fact that you think is acceptable or correct because you are able to see a good reason for it

I hope this is a justifiable interpretation.


Context:I’m a bit of a caffeine addict,

Definition:someone who i s extremely fond of something or is extremely interested in it .


Context:he had a gun in my face and was shouting obscenities at me.”

Definiiton:A word or expression that is rude and offensive because it relates to sex or bodily functions .

They started yelling abuse and obsceb

Context:He was tall and muscular,
Definition:very fit and strong ,and has firm muscles which are not covered with a lot of fat.
Great muscular effort is neeeded .

In this chapter ,Anne found Bill .And ,they knew what happeded from him .The next is to

rescue Sarah


Missing Person - Episode #3 A Woman in Pain

The number of words :2080

in a fell swoop
Context:In one fell swoop, I kicked the shower curtain back. “Don’t move!” I shouted.
Definition:do something a single occasion or by means of a single action .
British troops swooped down twice in pre-dawn raids .

Context:Suddenly a little white cat jumped out of the bathtub and scurried between my legs.
Definition:run quickly like small animals do when they are frighted or trying to escape .
The pig scurried into the undergrowth.

poked around
Context:I poked around the rest of the bedroom, and then followed Anne into the kitchen.
Definition:search for something in a particular place ,usually by moving lots of objects around
in a rather vague manner

Context:We continued looking through the three-bedroom apartment. There was no sign of
any violence, no burglary, no break-in.
Definition:the crime of breaking into a building and stealing things

A ability of oberservation is important to a detective.And I think it's also important to us everyone .And we can learn something from what we saw .

Missing Person - Episode #2 Beer and Cigarettes

The number of words :2086
Context: Some of my students know I’m an amateur detective.
Definition:someone who does something such as a hobby or playing a sport as a hobby and
not as a job
It's a business for professionals not amatuers .

Context:I had also learned a lot about police work from my father, who was a cop for 34 years.
Definition:a policeman or policewoman .

Context:a big-screen television, a fancy stereo, a CD player, two big, brown leather chairs, and a comfortable-looking sofa.
Definition:describe a record or a system of playing music in which the sound is directed through two different speakers


Context:a big-screen television, a fancy stereo, a CD player, two big, brown leather chairs, and a comfortable-looking sofa.

Definition:A blond person has pale yellow-coloured hair ,especially when referring to a man's hair.

It's a interesting story and I want to know the truth more earlier.The story about detective in English is always excellent,I believe.