
Missing Person - Episode #3 A Woman in Pain

The number of words :2080

in a fell swoop
Context:In one fell swoop, I kicked the shower curtain back. “Don’t move!” I shouted.
Definition:do something a single occasion or by means of a single action .
British troops swooped down twice in pre-dawn raids .

Context:Suddenly a little white cat jumped out of the bathtub and scurried between my legs.
Definition:run quickly like small animals do when they are frighted or trying to escape .
The pig scurried into the undergrowth.

poked around
Context:I poked around the rest of the bedroom, and then followed Anne into the kitchen.
Definition:search for something in a particular place ,usually by moving lots of objects around
in a rather vague manner

Context:We continued looking through the three-bedroom apartment. There was no sign of
any violence, no burglary, no break-in.
Definition:the crime of breaking into a building and stealing things

A ability of oberservation is important to a detective.And I think it's also important to us everyone .And we can learn something from what we saw .

3 件のコメント:

Kirk Masden さんのコメント...


sai さんのコメント...

Thanks for rhe whole year!

KMCheese さんのコメント...

Thank you! It's been a great pleasure to have you in this class. Best wishes for good luck and health in the future!