
All For Love by John Dryden Prologue


The number of words :1740


Definition:a piece of text that is spoken or written at the beginning of a play or book in order to introduce it .


Context:What flocks of critics hover here to-day,

Definition:stay in one place and move slightly in a nervous way ,for example because they cannot decide what to do .

His hand was hovering over the telephone

Gape for

Context:All gaping for the carcase of a play!

Definition:look at someone or something in surprise ,especially with an open mouth .

Without rhyme (or reason)

Context:He fights this day unarmed,--without his rhyme;--

Definition:do something although there is no logical

Love happens irrationally ,whitout the sightest rhyme or reason


Context:Allow him all the candour you can spare.

Definition:the quality of speaking honestly and openly and not hiding any facts .

They were talking of personal matters with unusual candour .

Scorn to

Context:A brave man scorns to quarrel once a day;

Definition:refuse to do something because you feel it is wrong or unsuitable for you


Context:Drink hearty draughts of ale from plain brown bowls,

Definition:(meals are)largr and very satisfying

I had a hearty meal in a crowded diner.


Context:Whose grapes and peaches have indulged your taste

Definition:let them have or do want and treast them with special kindness ,often in a way that is not good for them.

His mother indulged him in material possessions.

This is a beautiful poet ,though I coudn't understand it very well .Maybe it is about the everyday life about a wife and a husband .I like the words"Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow;He who would search for pearls, must dive below.".It tells us learn to be generous ,and learn to be satisfied to the life we are living.We should look for the peals deep in the sea ,but not just look at the straws.

2 件のコメント:

Kirk Masden さんのコメント...

I agree with you that the part about the errors being on the surface is very profound. And, I'm extremely impressed at your ability to understand the profundity of these lines. One site I looked at as I was trying to find annotations of this play for you included the following comment: "The best of Dryden is all but unapproachable without an annotated version or a robust knowledge of history. He wrote of and for his age, and it's gone. Which isn't to say he's not worth reading, because his influence on what followed is undeniable." So, even for native speakers, the language of Dryden is considered to be so difficult that it cannot be approached easily. Again, I really admire your ability to read such difficult material. Please understand, however, that the reference materials you have are not adequate. They can help you but they will not tell you everything you need to know.

sai さんのコメント...

Thank you for your advice ,and I will try to read other materials for my blog ,but maybe I will read this story later if I have enough time .
Thank you ,again .