

Where:Robinson Crusoe for Children I GO A-HUNTING

A flock of
Context:The very first day I saw a flock of goats.

Definition:a group of
We were followed by a whole flock of sea gulls .

Context:But they were very shy and very swift.

Definition:do something quickly in response to something eles ,very soon after it has happened
or arisen .
He was swift to publicise the potentialities of motoring .

Context:1.I thought I would tame it, and keep it as a pet.
2.The little animal became quite tame
Definition:1.train a wild animal or bird not to be afriad of humans and to be obedient .
2.a animal or bird is not afraid of humans or violent towards them ,because it is used
to being with them .
1.He made quite a name for himself taming hawks.
2.We decided to let it go because it would never have got tame.

Context:I caught it and carried it home, dressed its wounded leg, and fed it.

Definition:clean a wound and cover it with a bandage.
She carried him to her house ,where his wounds were dressed.

In this semester ,I is reading this story, and I listen to it somentimes and the other stories in the storynory . It's interesting to listen to them , but I find that I listening is worse than reading .So ,maybe I should listen more to train my listening . I'd like to write my blog after class,and keep the news words in my blog ,I do use a English-English dictionary ,but I think it's easer for me to use a English-English dictionary than a English-Japanese one .As to progress,I think I have made progress in writting instead of reading .For I am mayjoring in Japanese ,I hadn't truly written something in English since I went to the university.So ,it's a good chance for me ,and I enjoy this class.

2 件のコメント:

Kirk Masden さんのコメント...

Thank you very much for your comments.

sai さんのコメント...

thank you for carefully reading my blog and always giving good advice.